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Webinar: Children without borders: Promoting children’s health in all settings

Informujemy, iż w dniu 01 marca 2023 w godzinach 10:00-11:30 odbędzie się webinar zorganizowany przez grupy zadaniowe (task forces) HPH na temat promocji zdrowia wśród dzieci.  Rejestracja jest bezpłatna dla wszystkich chętnych.

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Webinar: Children without borders: Promoting children’s health in all settings

1 March, 2023 from 10:00 – 11:30 CET

Dwie opcje rejestracji poniżej.


Join us for an engaging discussion on children’s health in which HPH Task Force leaders share their points of view on how we can form a common strategy to promote children’s rights and health. Learn about each Task Force’s key actions and how we can involve children in decision making processes and work effectively with and for children.


Dr. Ilaria Simonelli, PhD (Leader of the HPH Task Force on Children & Adolescents); 

Elke Miedema, PhD (Leader of the HPH Task Force on Health Promoting Built Environment);

Dr. Ming-Nan Lin MD MPH (Leader of the Task Force on HPH & Environment);

Dr. Shu-Ti Chiou MD PhD (Leader of the Task Force on HPH & Age-Friendly Health Care)

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